Pronunciation Tips Why don't we speak English correctly?

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Why don't we speak English correctly?

The language is the method of communication between people using spoken or written words. Each word consists of litters & each litter has a special way to be made, using vocal cords, throat cavity, tongue, nasal cavity & facial muscles & this is called the "pronunciation" , & here the problem reside as most of the learners compare litters of the foreign language with their own language & this make them speak wrongly . Because the pronunciation differs from language to another, e.g : the litter R ; in Arabic we pronounce it by elevating the tongue forward towards the upper teeth such as : Al-R7man , Al-R7eem …etc , but it in English it differs as we are going to discuss .

(Muscle performance: with practicing your muscles perform better )

Voiced & unvoiced letters:

Voiced letter is produces vibration in the vocal cords when pronounced, but unvoiced doesn't .

e.g :

the vowels , most of letters are voiced ,

unvoiced as : k , p , c, f , sh , ch , th.

We will figure out the importance of this later .
Pronunciation's method

In addition of work of muscles & vocal cords there must be a rhythm in speech , as begging with high pitch & ending with low pitch & focusing on the important word , e.g :

"Did you go yesterday"

In this part we will mention the correct way to pronounce some important litters , which widely pronounced wrongly .

mouth and lips should come forward& tongue should move back in the mouth, NOT forward (unlike Arabic) .

e.g :





This applied to R if it was the strongest or the most appear letter .

If it wasn't , the lips stay forward & tongue become forward & lying down .

e.g :





It doesn't show difference from Arabic , but American T is different somehow .

If a ‘T’ where at the begging of the word or came after S it becomes the strongest letter

e.g :





If a ‘T’ falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the ‘T’ pronounced as a soft ‘D’.


Water » Wader

Better » Bedder

Butter » Budder

If a ‘T’ falls after "N" in the middle of a word is doesn't pronounced

e.g :

percentage » percenage

interview » innerview

international » innernational

advantage » advanage

if a "T" comes at the begging of last syllable & the end was "N" or "ING" it also is doesn't pronounced .

e.g :

fighting » figh-in

written » wri-en

certain » cer-in

note : this doesn't apply to words end by "tion" as : creation

S & Z

If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P,T,K,F), we pronounce it /S/


1 cup, 2 cups

(the ‘p’ in cup is unvoiced, so we just add an unvoiced ‘s’)

1 cat, 2 cats

I break, he breaks

I stop, he stops

If a word ends in any of these sounds: ‘s,z,sh,ch,or dg (j)’ , when adding an ‘S’ ending, we pronounce it IZZZZZZ


1 Page 2 Pages

1 Bus 2 Buses

1 Lunch 2 Lunches

I Raise, He Raises

If a word ends in a voiced sound "as vowels", then when we add an ‘S’, we pronounce it ZZZZ.


1 Tree, 2 Treezzzz

1 Day, 2 Days

I Fly, He Flies

1 Game, 2 Games

1 Train, 2 Trains

Word Endings

There are some word endings have a special pronunciation

"ED" ending

If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ‘-ed’ we proununce it ‘T’


Today I jump, yesterday I jumped. (pronounced jump-T)

Today I walk, yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk-T)

If a word ends in a voiced consonant when adding ‘-ed’ we proununce it "D"


I cleaned the kitchen..

I spilled some juice.

I trimmed the tree.

If a word ends in a ‘T’ or a ‘D’ sound when adding ‘-ed’ we proununce it ‘ED’


Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.

I heated up my dinner.

He voted this morning.

He handed me his report.

"ing" ending

When a word ends with "ing" we pronounce it a as a nasal "N" which is called in Arabic "ghonna"

e.g :

going » goiNNN

meeting » meetiNNN

leaving » leaviNNN


Zad Alnqsan

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